How is big data being used? What recommendations would you make to the organization regarding other big data sources that should be used?

Consider an organization’s use of big data sources. Feel free to draw conclusions and examples from your own company or one in which you are familiar. How is big data being used? What recommendations would you make to the organization regarding other big data sources that should be used? In response to your peers, discuss […]

What data are unknown (or unknowable) at this stage? How does this impact your analysis?How do these patterns, trends, and anomalies shed light on the problem/opportunity you identified?

1. Data Sources and Reliability a. What data were the most critical to the analysis of the problem/opportunity you identified in Assignment 1? Explain. b. What sources did you use to gather the data? c. How reliable and complete are the data you are using? What steps did you take to validate this? d. What […]

Describe how you collected the data and then summarize the results from your analysis.

Individual Data Collection and Analysis (Kinesiology) Your individual task is to submit a 3 page, double-spaced typed summary of a sample of data collection and analysis. You can work together as a group to collect your data, but each individual is responsible for their own summary of the data collection process and analysis. For example, […]

Analyze the data of each subgroup within the schools to demonstrate the achievement level. Interpret the data and indicate the level of mastery for each subgroup.

Collect secondary data from three schools with similar demographics, and dis-aggregate the data of each sub-group. An exemplary source of secondary data is School Improvement Plan (SIP) reports. Analyze the data of each subgroup within the schools to demonstrate the achievement level. Interpret the data and indicate the level of mastery for each subgroup.

Describe your initial thoughts on how insights from the required data to be collected could help to inform business decisions.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Describe your initial thoughts on how insights from the required data to be collected could help to inform business decisions. For example, consider what information each data point provides, whether you think some data points should be weighted more or less heavily than others in making a […]

What does the data tell you about the effects of tribulation on sea animals .What did you find interesting about this article ?

TRIBUTYLTIN Article in the link below Use ONLY this article in the link NO OTHER SOURCE ALLOWED Question 1. What data is provided ? 2.What does the data tell you about the effects of TRIBUTYLTIN on sea animals .What did you find interesting about this article ?

How will you measure student use of a program: number of times in attendance, amount of time spent using the service?

BONUS OPPORTUNITY-The essay assignment for this week is not an essay. This week you have read a number of chapters and articles about LSC program evaluation and the types of qualitative and quantitative data that LSC personnel should routinely collect to be used in program evaluation. Your task for this week is to list 15 […]

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