Was there a point your classmate made that gave you an insight into the text that you hadn’t thought about before? What was this?Explain.

Respond to at least two of your group members’ reflections each week. These responses have a target length of approximately100 words each, which is typically equivalent to a substantive paragraph. The goal of this response is to engage with your peers’ reflections; therefore, you should note which student’s or students’ response(s) you are replying to […]

Describe the focus of the reading or writing lesson and the materials used during the lesson. Analyze the lesson: what were the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson?Explain.

This assignment is suppose to be one video per page, given that there should be 5 videos, the assignment is 5 pages long. The videos should be on a classroom. Observe a reading or writing lesson. Describe the setting of the lesson. Describe the focus of the reading or writing lesson and the materials used […]

How would you use this book in your classroom?explain why you choose the vocabulary, language and concepts that extend student knowledge?

Based on the course readings discuss: The age and group this book was intended for and why The elements that went into creating this book based on what you now know about early literacy . What was your focus? What standard your book meets and why? Why you choose the vocabulary, language and/or concepts that […]

What standard your book meets and why?Why you choose the vocabulary, language and concepts that extend student knowledge?Explain your answer.

Presentation of book on video that will be graded separately Component 2: Children Book . Based on the course readings discuss: The age and group this book was intended for and why The elements that went into creating this book based on what you now know about early literacy. What was your focus ? What […]

How can literacy in L1 support literacy in L2?When and how would it be appropriate to use cognates as a support for the development of L2?

Write a 1,000-1,500 word essay discussing the relationship between proficiency in L1 and the ability to learn L2. Include a brief discussion of the stages of L1 acquisition in your essay for context. Your essay should address the following questions: How can literacy in L1 support literacy in L2? What instructional implications does this create? […]

Why the policy formulated? Historical background?What are the ideological underpinnings  of the policy?Explain.

The critical analysis of the recent education policy Summative Assessment Critical analysis of a recent education policy Suggested Format • Introduction • Description of the policy What are the aims of the policy? What area does the policy relate to? Why the policy formulated? Historical background? • Analysis of the policy, using insights from relevant […]

How would the play have been different if Holiness Macbeth replaced Shakespeare’s Macbeth?

Answer these questions: Whose depiction of Macbeth—Shakespeare’s or Holiness—is more interesting or compelling from a reader’s standpoint? Why? Was Shakespeare wise to change Macbeth in the ways he did? Why or why not? How would the play have been different if Holiness Macbeth replaced Shakespeare’s Macbeth?

What reasons factor into an avoidance of teaching writing? What is the writing self-efficacy of those students who have not been formally taught writing?

Recommendations for Homeschooling Studies It is time to expand homeschooling studies beyond the typical examinations of academic achievement, student socialization, and parental motivation to home school. Another valuable homeschooling study could revolve around why some parents do not teach writing. For instance, the study could begin with a brief survey sent to 500+ homeschooling families […]

Why are you organizing under certain subheadings and how do each of them contribute to the research question?Explain the connections between those themes.

Instead of referring to a research paper, refer to ‘this literature review’. The structure of your review needs to be explained. Before you start reporting on your summary and analysis of the findings from research, it would be helpful to explain how that report will work. Why are you organizing under certain subheadings and how […]

What are the dominant voices in this clip? What voices are missing?How does this movie compare to your own personal experiences?

Complete the tasks below for the online class. 1) Watch the movie Freedom Writers . Feel free to watch with classmates and chip in on the rental as needed . • How are the characters portrayed? DO NOT ONLY FOCUS ON ONE OR TWO- Focus on as many characters as you can! • How is […]

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