Analyze the data of each subgroup within the schools to demonstrate the achievement level. Interpret the data and indicate the level of mastery for each subgroup.

Collect secondary data from three schools with similar demographics, and dis-aggregate the data of each sub-group. An exemplary source of secondary data is School Improvement Plan (SIP) reports. Analyze the data of each subgroup within the schools to demonstrate the achievement level. Interpret the data and indicate the level of mastery for each subgroup.

What methodological approach provides a powerful lens for delineating social studies teachers as curricular-instructional gatekeepers? Why? How does your chosen methodological perspective and study design build on or extend previous work in this area?

Thornton and van Hover et al. have described social studies teachers as curricular-instructional gatekeepers who exercise some control over the topics and perspectives taught in classrooms. Crocco and Livingston contended that “satisfactory gatekeeping,” for social studies teaching “depends on the elements” Shulman identified in his work on PCK . PCK, Shulman wrote, “represents the blending […]

Describe how you plan to educate your college classmates and college community on Epilepsy and how you would reduce their fears and prejudice.

Kayla Ross Scholarship Essay Write a Short Essay by answering the question: In 500 words(double spaced) or less describe how you plan to educate your college classmates and college community on Epilepsy and how you would reduce their fears and prejudice.

Does our current approach to diversity produce a good environment for those who are different?

Diversity in the U.S. Army, Why is it important? A. Why is diversity important to the organization of the Army? Include supporting evidence. B.  Does our current approach to diversity produce a good environment for those who are different? C. Supporting topic & evidence to support your article. D.How do we continue the growth of […]

Discuss the meaning of your observation for the child. Consider what kind of learner is this child and what might be the motivations for their behaviors and language based on your experiences and readings.

Focus Child Observation:Cognition and Sensory Development There will be 3-4 focus child observations engaged in various learning activities. If possible, you should choose a child you can visit for multiple in-person observations. The more distant the relationship the better. Your focus child observations will be the foundation for your final paper and newsletter. Each observation […]

Provide a brief annotation of the chapter  and then a detailed summary of how you plan to implement what you learned from the chapter, such as a strategy or idea, in your classroom.

As part of this course, you have been required to keep a reading/learning log for the assigned textbook. Choose five chapters from the textbook that were particularly meaningful to you. For each of the five chapters, provide a brief annotation of the chapter  and then a detailed summary of how you plan to implement what […]

How do you see industry standards for sport facilities incorporated into this facility?What is the staffing like? What can be improved in terms of safety?

Florida Atlantic University Virtual Tour What are the likely sources of sport and activity revenue? Is this facility marketable? Can the facility earn revenue from area organizations like churches, schools, civic and social clubs, and corporations? Facility spaces and equipment: What is the quality of the playing surfaces and activity areas? What kinds of competition […]

Discuss your plans for retirement with a special emphasis on income after retirement and health insurance.

The subjects of retirement and health insurance are much in the news these days. Discuss your plans for retirement with a special emphasis on income after retirement and health insurance. After a lifetime of paying Social Security and Medicare taxes in every payroll check, your grandparents and parents are counting on having Social Security and […]

Is there any evidence of quality control? For instance, has the publication been “refereed”? Was it written by or for an organization that evaluates information before publication?

Has the website organized its information into numbered sections or provided a means of citation for scholars and researchers? Does the website have a clear agenda, such as a commercial, political bias/motivation for its publication? Examine the address endings for the website. What does this tell you about the nature of the organization? Does that […]

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