Describe the process by which an employer may drug test employees without violating employees’ privacy rights.

What is employment “at will” and under what circumstances is an employer restricted from terminating an at-will employee without cause? What disability-related information does the law prohibit an employer from asking an applicant for employment, and what actions must an employer take when hiring an employee with disabilities? Are there limits to what an employer […]

Explain how employment law provides rights to employees and employers, and the steps employers must take to comply with employment law.

What is employment “at will” and under what circumstances is an employer restricted from terminating an at-will employee without cause? What disability-related information does the law prohibit an employer from asking an applicant for employment, and what actions must an employer take when hiring an employee with disabilities? Are there limits to what an employer […]

Explain how employment law provides rights to employees and employers, and the steps employers must take to comply with employment law.

What is employment “at will” and under what circumstances is an employer restricted from terminating an at-will employee without cause? What disability-related information does the law prohibit an employer from asking an applicant for employment, and what actions must an employer take when hiring an employee with disabilities? Are there limits to what an employer […]

Why is this issue critical for aging Americans?  What are the attitudes of practitioners toward this issue?

Aging Write an essay at least 1 3/4 pages in length but no more than 2 pages (APA format), not including reference page, responding to this Critical Thinking (CT) Question. Aging is not for the faint of heart. There are many issues related to care needs and options, access, and the view of the patient […]

Do you believe a country has the right to impose sanctions on another country for practicing a religious belief? Why ?Explain.

While many Americans are in agreement with the law, do you believe a country has the right to impose sanctions on another country for practicing a religious belief? Why or why not? And, at what point is intervention from perhaps another country or the United Nations warranted? Finally, do you believe it is possible to […]

Is mandatory national service a path to unity and prosperity in these especially divided times, or an unconstitutional and unjust plan foisted on the nation’s youth by older generations?

The following is taken from, a nonpartisan site that discusses and provides context for controversial issues. Please take a side on the issue – do not try to argue both sides equally – in a short, 2-3 paragraph response. A full essay is not required. You may write in first person (“I”) if you […]

Explain how you would respond to the public’s objections of the “respected colleague” about the use of control groups. In your response, identify and explain which principles you applied.

Respond to the following: Review “The FDA Task Force,” in Chapter 4 of Managing the Public Sector. • The author of the case study states: “Even though at least 60 percent of Americans disapprove of cloned food, the FDA in 2006 ruled that milk and meat from cloned animals should be allowed on grocery store […]

Describe the groups protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and explain how well the act has accomplished the goal of eliminating discrimination against those groups. What would you have added to the act to make it more effective?

Choose one of the prompts below and submit a discussion for it. Please read your classmates submissions to make sure you are not being repetitive. If you have anything to respond to your classmates, please do. 1. Describe the groups protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and explain how well the act […]

Which challenges facing Americans of color do you think are the most pressing? Which groups and organizations are currently working on those challenges? What could they do to be more effective?

Which challenges facing Americans of color do you think are the most pressing? Which groups and organizations are currently working on those challenges? What could they do to be more effective?

Compare or contrast the American Dream between the two couples: the Mossbachers and the Rincons.

For this essay, I need to answer one of the prompts below that goes over a book we read in class titled The Tortilla Curtain. 1.Compare or contrast the American Dream between the two couples: the Mossbachers and the Rincons. 2. Compare or contrast any two characters to show their racist views. 3.Write an argumentative […]

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