Determine the two major issues that would cause the conflict to escalate in 2021.

Progress Assignment – research-based 1. Read the report – see the attachment “10 Conflicts to Watch in 2021.” 2. Choose one conflict only. 3. Determine the two major issues that would cause the conflict to escalate in 2021. 4. Visit our institution Library databases and find 6-8 journal articles that would support the issues that […]

Do you believe a country has the right to impose sanctions on another country for practicing a religious belief? Why ?Explain.

While many Americans are in agreement with the law, do you believe a country has the right to impose sanctions on another country for practicing a religious belief? Why or why not? And, at what point is intervention from perhaps another country or the United Nations warranted? Finally, do you believe it is possible to […]

Discuss what the country you chose thinks NATO should do regarding the issue important to the country.

Pick 1 of the topics below from the provisional agenda. Offer your chosen NATO country’s view on the topic, and then offer that country’s geopolitical strategy on how it would suggest NATO deal with this issue/topic. Discuss what the country you chose thinks NATO should do regarding the issue important to the country.

Identity a place that has been colonized ; having a difficult time reconnecting with genuine roots and having a hard time producing philosophy that isn’t regurgitated by the people who have taken advantage of the country.

Latin American Philosophy class This is a paper for a Latin American Philosophy class on the most important theme or problem that Latin American philosophers are dealing with. Identity a place that has been colonized ; having a difficult time reconnecting with genuine roots and having a hard time producing philosophy that isn’t regurgitated by […]

Is the risk associated for that company with those countries dependent on the type of entry for the company? Explain.

There are several ways companies can gain entry into a country to become a MNC. One of the most common entry strategies for MNCs is the joint venture. Why are so many companies opting for this strategy? What would be the considerations to use this strategy? When would a fully owned subsidiary be a better […]

How are the issues in each of your two countries different? How are they the same? What can you say about the government’s ability to solve these problems?  

Issue 2 (economics): statement of the issue, background, factors bearing on the problem, possible solutions, your recommendation for solving this issue, and rationale for your decision How are the issues in each of your two countries different? How are they the same? Are these differences impacted by the type of government existing in each country? What can you say […]

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of free trade with a country of your choice.

You are required to produce an economic essay of 2,000 words to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of free trade with a country of your choice. You are required to use different concepts covered throughout the module in your discussion. Moreover, you should use graphs and diagrams to support your explanations. Discuss the advantages and […]

Discuss why democracy might make a country more or less egalitarian?Does democracy require equality of income or wealth?Explain.

Required Resources For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2: Does democracy require equality of income or wealth? Discuss why democracy might make a country more or less egalitarian?  

What is the screening, eligibility and inclusion process that took place. Have you included open access sources only, or have you tried to contact authors to get access to non-free articles?

Systematic review comparing between two therapeutic interventions in diabetes. Or assessing the efficacy and safety of a therapeutic intervention in diabetes. What is the screening, eligibility and inclusion process that took place. Have you included open access sources only, or have you tried to contact authors to get access to non-free articles? What data you […]

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