Explain how employment law provides rights to employees and employers, and the steps employers must take to comply with employment law.

What is employment “at will” and under what circumstances is an employer restricted from terminating an at-will employee without cause? What disability-related information does the law prohibit an employer from asking an applicant for employment, and what actions must an employer take when hiring an employee with disabilities? Are there limits to what an employer […]

What Is the Americans with Disabilities Act? Critical Thinking Question 2 from Hatamian, A. (2017). Employment Law: Practice and Procedures 1st ed., p. 154.

Participate in this discussion to share your thoughts on how the ADA applies to individuals with contagious diseases. On the Discussion Forum, post a 300-word response to the following question(s)/prompt(s); include at least one APA-formatted citation/reference to a source from this lesson: The ADA classifies and protects individuals who carry contagious diseases as disabled individuals. […]

Is there a manner in which an employer can accommodate an individual with a contagious disease? Does the classification of the disease matter? Use the Internet, if necessary, to inform your answer.

Participate in this discussion to share your thoughts on how the ADA applies to individuals with contagious diseases. On the Discussion Forum, post a 300-word response to the following question(s)/prompt(s); include at least one APA-formatted citation/reference to a source from this lesson: The ADA classifies and protects individuals who carry contagious diseases as disabled individuals. […]

Explain how employment law provides rights to employees and employers, and the steps employers must take to comply with employment law.

What is employment “at will” and under what circumstances is an employer restricted from terminating an at-will employee without cause? What disability-related information does the law prohibit an employer from asking an applicant for employment, and what actions must an employer take when hiring an employee with disabilities? Are there limits to what an employer […]

Describe the process by which an employer may drug test employees without violating employees’ privacy rights.

What is employment “at will” and under what circumstances is an employer restricted from terminating an at-will employee without cause? What disability-related information does the law prohibit an employer from asking an applicant for employment, and what actions must an employer take when hiring an employee with disabilities? Are there limits to what an employer […]

Explain how employment law provides rights to employees and employers, and the steps employers must take to comply with employment law.

What is employment “at will” and under what circumstances is an employer restricted from terminating an at-will employee without cause? What disability-related information does the law prohibit an employer from asking an applicant for employment, and what actions must an employer take when hiring an employee with disabilities? Are there limits to what an employer […]

Is there a manner in which an employer can accommodate an individual with a contagious disease? Does the classification of the disease matter? Use the Internet, if necessary, to inform your answer.

Participate in this discussion to share your thoughts on how the ADA applies to individuals with contagious diseases. On the Discussion Forum, post a 300-word response to the following question(s)/prompt(s); include at least one APA-formatted citation/reference to a source from this lesson: The ADA classifies and protects individuals who carry contagious diseases as disabled individuals. […]

As a health care administrative professional, what do you think is potentially the greatest organizational benefit of using predictive analytics in patient care?Explain

With the capabilities that informatics brings to the health care sector come the responsibility of considering the legal and ethical outcomes of using patient data, even if it is anonymous, to inform policies, practices, and patient costs of receiving care. This week you study the use and implications of predictive analytics aimed at personalizing and […]

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