What was your research process? What did you find and how did you find it?What are some examples from your letter that demonstrate a respectful and professional tone?

Cover letter What was your research process? What did you find and how did you find it? How did you determine the credibility of your sources? How did your research influence the cover letter? When you looked at websites, job postings, and other resources related to this career field, what did you notice about how […]

Explain how two students with this exceptionality may perform differently and what accommodations will allow them to perform successfully.

As far as the category you can Autism Define the category using your own words. Imagine a child with the category of exceptionality you selected. Discuss the benefits and challenges for the student, family, and teachers of teaching this child in an inclusive setting. Explain how two students with this exceptionality may perform differently and […]

How did the organization prepare for the change? What went right? What went wrong?

Provide a brief response to the following post. thank you. Describe the change. The change was a virtual assistant, this was built to make accessing the members benefits easier, we should have been able to type in a word and the benefits for it would pull up this would cut the time down for us […]

Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against internal or external benchmarks.Explain how reflection supports improving the quality of the learning environment.

Prepare a presentation to share with colleagues during staff development week on assessment for learning. This presentation should: • Analyse the role of the support worker in relation to assessing learner achievement • Summarise the difference between formative and summative assessment • Explain the characteristics of assessment for learning Explain how reflection supports improving the […]

Describe five potential issues and/or roadblocks that might happen while delivering the lesson, based on the needs of the selected group of students. Provide possible solutions to each potential issue.

Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” complete the lesson plan through the Multiple Means of Engagement section, making sure the activities are supported by the recommendations found in the topic materials. For your differentiated activities, specifically address: • Fraction tasks, including area, length, and set/quantity models; or • Equivalent fractions. In the Multiple Means of […]

Discuss at least 2 evidence-based instructional strategies for students who show characteristics of dyslexia and 1 evidence-based strategy for a structured literacy approach.

Write a 1-2 page paper that addresses the following: Explain the nature and symptoms of dyslexia. How can dyslexia impact instruction in reading and writing for students? Identify 2-3 resources for students who show characteristics of dyslexia and explain why these resources are relevant. Discuss at least 2 evidence-based instructional strategies for students who show […]

What is the extent that the teachers allow their students to be autonomous in Flipped classroom?Are students ready to be independent learners in Flipped classroom?

First I would like to give you a brief explanation of the things I want to include in my Lit review. Here is my research questions just to give you an idea of my whole research: Research Questions : What is the extent that the teachers allow their students to be autonomous in Flipped classroom? […]

Identify a student or small group of students with disabilities who would benefit from differentiation and engagement strategies during an upcoming math lesson or activity.

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience. With your mentor teacher, identify a student or small group of students with disabilities who would benefit from differentiation and engagement strategies during an upcoming math lesson or activity. Part 1: Student Challenges With the mentor teacher, observe the student or small […]

Discuss one or more areas of deficiency that you may need to address or overcome to reach your career goals. Examples of deficiencies included limitations in training, education, skills, access to resources, opportunities, and/or personal attributes.

Career goals Discuss specific career goals. Where do you see yourself professionally in 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years? What licensure and/or credentialing, or further education will you need to be able to meet your career goals? Discuss one or more areas of deficiency that you may need to address or overcome to reach […]

Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice.Evaluate own knowledge, performance and understanding against internal or external benchmarks.

Engage in Personal and Professional Development Refer to your job description or one for the role of a teaching assistant to support you with this task. • Describe the duties and responsibilities of own work role. Be able to reflect on organisational practice. For this activity answer the following criteria critically analysing your role and […]

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