Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.
With your mentor teacher, identify a student or small group of students with disabilities who would benefit from differentiation and engagement strategies during an upcoming math lesson or activity.
Part 1: Student Challenges
With the mentor teacher, observe the student or small group of students while they work on math problems in class. Identify areas where the student or students seem to struggle.
Areas of concern where students may struggle include:
• Output difficulties
• Organizational difficulties
• Language difficulties
• Attention difficulties
• Visual spatial or ordering difficulties
• Difficulties with multiple tasks
After observing and noting concerns, discuss with the student/students whether the areas you identified were challenging for them. Continue to work with them with guided practice and support.
Discuss your findings with your mentor teacher. Offer intervention strategies you could implement to help the students learn the math concepts being taught. With your mentor teacher, decide on 1-2 strategies to further develop in Clinical Field Experience C and implement in Clinical Field Experience D.