How would you address both the overt and covert racism on your team at both the level of athletes and parents?

Approach this forum as though you were part of a virtual role-playing game. Paper details: Check Your Power, Check Your Privilege, Check Your Language Approach this forum as though you were part of a virtual role-playing game. 1) Here is the setting: a) You are a coach/instructor/leader/director of a team, troupe, or organization. You can […]

Choose one of the following philosophers: Vitoria, Bernier, Voltaire, Jefferson, Kant , Blumenbach, Hegel, Gobineau, Darwin, or Galton. Show how your chosen philosopher has contributed to at least one of the elements of what Cornel West calls the normative gaze of white supremacy.

Philosophy and Race argument essay The aim of the writing assignments for this class is to get you doing philosophy. Philosophical writing is argumentative. Your essay, therefore, should provide a clear, well-structured argument in favor of your point of view. You should also fairly consider the strongest criticism to your view, and provide thoughtful responses […]

Read a piece by Sokoloff and Engermann at the beginning of the semester about how the original factor endowments in the New World colonies set up the initial levels of democracy between newly independent North and South American countries.

International Political Economy You read a piece by Sokoloff and Engermann at the beginning of the semester about how the original factor endowments in the New World colonies set up the initial levels of democracy between newly independent North and South American countries. Do you still think those endowments matter after reading the article for […]

Read Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and Write an Analytical Review about it.

Read Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and Write an Analytical Review about it. Democracy in America assignment As promised last Thursday, here are the parameters for your analytical reviews of Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America. Your papers should be formatted like any formal academic paper, and remember to properly cite everything you use. […]

Refer to and pick a Catholic Social Teaching Theme, a type of justice, and apply it to living justly.

Jamie Margolin Paper details: Answer the following questions your chosen individual, and present your information on Google Slides or Power Point. 1. Who is/was this person? a) When and where they were born? c) Provide a picture of this person. b) What does/did this person do? 2. How is/was this person working in the service […]

History of eugenics repeating it self with new reports of whistle blower stating unneeded and pressured gynecological surgeries on immigrant woman detainees, describe.

History of eugenics repeating it self with new reports of whistle blower stating unneeded and pressured gynecological surgeries on immigrant woman detainees Mla outline with work cited page . At least 3 sources .

To study about the relationship between height and the weight, you need to collect a sample of nine (9) people using a systematic sampling method. What is the population of people?

Signature Assignment Statistics You will be applying what you have learned in this course by gathering data and running a statistical analysis. To study about the relationship between height and the weight, you need to collect a sample of nine (9) people using a systematic sampling method. What is the population of people? Where and […]

Close read on a dialogue in Tis Pity that seems important to you in terms of building some kind of conflict in the play.

Close reading on a dialogue in Tis Pity that seems important to you in terms of building some kind of conflict in the play. Think carefully about the ideas of character, conflict, and close reading in Tis Pity She’s a Whore. The meaning of the first two terms should be obvious. Close reading refers to […]

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