What are your thoughts about how people interact in a digital community? Use Facebook as an example to show how social media can create a discourse community. Can Facebook create a successful discourse community?

What are your thoughts about how people interact in a digital community? Use Facebook as an example to show how social media can create a discourse community. Can Facebook create a successful discourse community?

Why is it problematic? What is unhealthy or abnormal about it? Are there biological factors it is ignoring or misrepresenting? If so, what are they? What about environmental or other external factors? Anything else that makes this example unrealistic or problematic?

Discussion; The influence of social media on body weight Maintaining a healthy body composition and weight can be complicated, as you’ve learned this week. Not only are there genetic factors that influence our body weight, shape, and composition, but there are external factors as well. One of the biggest factors these days is the media, […]

How is their reputation? Do they have good or bad reviews? If so, what do reviewers praise the business about? What do they complain about?

Explore aggregated information gathering for the company Here are a few suggestions to help you get started. The goal is to look for publicly available information, start with the organization’s website. Look at the About Us, Contact Us for the general mailing address. Then use a search engine to find out more, look for things […]

In regard to medication administration are current trends sufficiently ensuring patient safety in all settings? How might this goal be accomplished?

I am working at ICU covid unit night shifts. I am not a big fan of posting my personal life at social media Requirement: • Have you ever posted something of a personal or professional nature on social media you later regretted? What was your response? • In regard to medication administration are current trends […]

Identify potential public health effects and environmental hazards related to a civic disturbance specific to Sentinel City® residents.

Our class text books are : Anderson, E. T., & McFarlane, J. (2019). Community as partner: Theory and practice in nursing (8th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2020). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (10th ed.). Elsevier a. Civic Disturbance Case Study (15%) (Theory) The Civic Disturbance Case Study […]

Demonstrate a breadth of knowledge(e.g. different local, national and transnational contexts, historical periods, different forms of media, DIFFERENT KIND OF CELEBRITY, and theoretical frameworks)

– Should show a consideration of different methodologies for analyzing celebrity and engage with a range of primary materials. – Demonstrate a breadth of knowledge(e.g. different local, national and transnational contexts, historical periods, different forms of media, DIFFERENT KIND OF CELEBRITY, and theoretical frameworks) – Three case studies should be treated as three separate pieces […]

Identify a firm/organization/or company, either local or national, that utilizes Social media approaches in talent acquisition.

Recruitment and Selection Social Media Assignment Identify a firm/organization/or company, either local or national, that utilizes Social media approaches in talent acquisition. Briefly describe and explain the effectiveness of the various tools/forms used by the selected organization. You must also reference a current recruitment campaign (either currently in progress or within the last month). Be […]

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