Explain what the image is trying to say, and how that message is being delivered in the image.

Rhetorical analysis Pick a single advertisement and do a deep analysis of it. Explain what the image is trying to say, and how that message is being delivered in the image. Along with your image(s) you will need at least two other sources for this paper. These sources should help you to back up your […]

What are some key features of successful rhetorical analyses? What significant information/quotations do you want to highlight in the Backpack Versus Briefcases?

After reading your Rhetorical Analysis Assignment Sheet and “Backpacks Versus Briefcases,” explore what you know about rhetorical analysis. What is its primary goal? How is analyzing a work different than summarizing it or giving your opinion on the issue it addresses? What are some key features of successful rhetorical analyses? What significant information/quotations do you […]

What significant information/quotations do you want to highlight in the Backpack Versus Briefcases?What requirements from the assignment sheet do you want to point to?

After reading your Rhetorical Analysis Assignment Sheet and “Backpacks Versus Briefcases,” explore what you know about rhetorical analysis. What is its primary goal? How is analyzing a work different than summarizing it or giving your opinion on the issue it addresses? What are some key features of successful rhetorical analyses? What significant information/quotations do you […]

What audience is this video aimed at? Please describe what parts of the video/song support your answer.

3) Fill in your answers to the template below, which is a simplified rhetorical analysis of the video. You can refer to the lyrics if you choose to, but you will be required to analyze the visuals. Template Here is a copy of the questions below, if you want to save your answers and upload […]

What is the ethos of the performer, both in general and on the issue(s) addressed in the visual argument? In other words, what do you already know about Beyoncé and/ or what do you see about her in the video that tells you about her ethos?

Fill in your answers to the template below, which is a simplified rhetorical analysis of the video. You can refer to the lyrics if you choose to, but you will be required to analyze the visuals. Template Here is a copy of the questions below, if you want to save your answers and upload them […]

Describe the assumed views/beliefs/values of Rizga’s intended audience based on a close reading of the text as well as a consideration of the readership of an online publication like Mother Jones.

Analyzing a text rhetorically means examining it in its rhetorical situation: when and where it was published, who the intended audience is, the kind of appeals the author utilizes, etc. To put it another way, you are attempting to view the text in context, describing the factors that make the author’s thesis more or less […]

Rhetorical Analysis :Does the image successfully sell the product? If so, how? If not, why not?

Using one of the images provided on Canvas, write a rhetorical analysis that evaluates how effective the advertisement is in selling its product. Your thesis should be answering this question: Does the image successfully sell the product? If so, how? If not, why not? Note: You will probably come up with many reasons how the […]

Search for an advertisement which depicts gender in a problematic way. Once you find the advertisement, you will do a rhetorical analysis on the advertisement.

Rhetorical Analysis Once you watch the film, you will undertake a similar endeavor as Jean Kilbourne. You will search for an advertisement which depicts gender in a problematic way. Once you find the advertisement, you will do a rhetorical analysis on the advertisement. You will write about the parts that make up the advertisement: tone, […]

Examine rhetorical concepts in a text of your choice and use rhetorical terms to analyze the effectiveness of the text in a written argument for an academic audience.

“Understanding Perspective”  Rhetorical Analysis   Purpose: This assignment asks you to examine rhetorical concepts in a text of your choice (from the list below) and use rhetorical terms to analyze the effectiveness of the text in a written argument for an academic audience. The purpose is to develop critical reading and writing skills.   Herdy, […]

Write a cohesive essay that: Introduces and summarizes the CDC website on ADHD.

Draft of a Rhetorical Analysis of a Public Document Assignment Write a 750-1,000-word essay that analyzes the rhetorical situation of a public document. This public document is the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) website on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Your analysis should include at least TWO scholarly sources outside of class texts. Complete a close […]

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