What audience is this video aimed at? Please describe what parts of the video/song support your answer.

3) Fill in your answers to the template below, which is a simplified rhetorical analysis of the video. You can refer to the lyrics if you choose to, but you will be required to analyze the visuals.

Here is a copy of the questions below, if you want to save your answers and upload them as a document: Formation as visual argument template.

a) What images are highlighted or focused on?

b) What images are in the background?

c) What audience is this video aimed at? Please describe what parts of the video/song support your answer.

d) What is the ethos (character/credibility/motives/authority to speak about the issue) of the performer, both in general and on the issue(s) addressed in the visual argument? In other words, what do you already know about Beyoncé and/ or what do you see about her in the video that tells you about her ethos?


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