Explain the three phases of the development process and how you would use each phase to develop a group of people who have never managed a team before but have just been promoted into a team leader position.

You are the recently hired Director of Leadership Development at your organization, which has never had such a position before. Your organization hired your because they are convinced of the importance of developing their high-potential people into the next generation of organizational and team leaders. Explain the three phases of the development process and how […]

What do you want to do? Why do you want to achieve this? When do you want to do it?

Students in the Honors College go above and beyond traditional classroom requirements. This is demonstrated through the Elements of Honors- Scholarly Advancement, Cultural Enrichment, and Leadership Development. Choose one element and develop a goal within each of your chosen element. Be as detailed as possible. Some questions to think about while developing your goals are: […]

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