Describe the software application. Indicate what it is used for, who the target users are and the context of use. Include screen grabs, pictures or diagrams.

USING MICROSOFT TEAMS AS THE SOFTWARE APPLICATION, Describe the software application. Indicate what it is used for, who the target users are and the context of use. Include screen grabs, pictures or diagrams. Select a particular area of concern for the application for investigation and redesign. Explain the issues and problems, applying cognitive theories and […]

Discuss two challenges that you believe would be faced in the course of the investigation for this type of crime, and offer two suggestions how the challenges may be minimized or overcome.

Final case study Discuss two ways in which this type of crime has or will change the face of investigations in the United States. Identify and discuss two technological tools that could be used to investigate the crime and why these tools would be an asset in helping to put together, and take the case […]

What happens if only a DATIX was completed and did not require further investigation?What happens if you don’t know the outcome of the investigation?

Written reflective report/Part 2: Professional Coversation questions What if the incident was not escalated? What happens if only a DATIX was completed and did not require further investigation? What happens if you don’t know the outcome of the investigation?

Evaluate how the various agencies and courts handled the investigation and suggest its impact on future potential whistle-blowing by others.

“Whistle-blowers” have gained more publicity in recent years for their role in holding government accountable. Find a recent case of a government employee or a private employee working in a government-related post and follow that person’s experiences, from the first uncovering of the situation to the final resolution. Evaluate how the various agencies and courts […]

What new knowledge does this study bring and why is it worth presenting? How is it different from what previous experiments used to investigate hemispheric asymmetry and age?Describe how the task used in the present study allows the investigation of hemispheric asymmetry.

State a negative or positive correlation between hemispheric asymmetric and ageing based on the literature. The literature should be a mix of positive or negative correlation and then came out with a hypothesis and says why I remain with that. At the end of the discussion part, you just need to confirm or reject the […]

Briefly introduce this country, allude to some of the more significant parts of your investigation.What are some significant historical events that have shaped the current situation in this country?

Do something creative for the cover of your briefing paper. Briefly introduce this country, allude to some of the more significant parts of your investigation. What are some significant historical events that have shaped the current situation in this country? Summary, What are the challenges for this country? What are its assets? Priorities in your […]

 Explore and identify and agree a practical investigation project, located within a knowledge domain relevant to your Access to HE Diploma.

Explore and identify and agree a practical investigation project, located within a knowledge domain relevant to your Access to HE Diploma. Once you have chosen your topic, you need to do some initial (literature) research on this topic and think about how you will carry out your research and investigation. After this initial planning you […]

Distinguish between deductive and inductive criminal profiling and provide examples of each. Explain the role Locard’s Principle plays in criminal profiling. Why is Locard’s Principle important for the investigation of serial crimes such as homicide, sadistic sex crimes, and arson; explain?

This written assignment consists of two essay questions. Students are expected to develop a 2-3 page essay, per question . A minimum of 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly sources per question are to be utilized for the assignment. Sources should also be up-to-date . Direct quotes are not permitted. Distinguish between deductive and inductive criminal profiling and […]

What perspectives were provided? Whose voices were silenced? Whose voices were heard? How was it handled by the community or world? What were the hidden agendas? What information was spun or was there clear bias? What perspective did the world have on the case because of how it was portrayed?

 Flint Water Crisis You are on the road to becoming a trustworthy, ethical journalist, but before you can be accepted by the community, your editor has asked you to do some investigating on a case that has brought frenzy to the media. • What perspectives were provided? Whose voices were silenced? Whose voices were heard? […]

Explain how you feel as a black woman and a professional who has work for everything that was ever given to you.

Write a letter to your superiors explaining the unjust treatment and equity issues. Explain how you feel as a black woman and a professional who has work for everything that was ever given to you. Write an argument that also defines equity and state how your principal is Going against their new mission of social […]

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