Identify how, as the group leader, you would both recognize and address conflict within your group.Discuss how you might handle reluctance in the group.

Consider the following questions as you draft Sessions 3 and 4 focusing on Stage 3,the Transition Stage . Identify how, as the group leader, you would both recognize and address conflict within your group.Discuss how you might handle reluctance in the group. Identify specific interventions and strategies you could employ.Corey identifies several guidelines for effectively […]

What are some of the things that you would look at to decide whether it is running effectively? Why do you feel that the items selected are an appropriate metric?

If you were going to evaluate a program or department at your place of work, what are some of the things that you would look at to decide whether it is running effectively? Why do you feel that the items selected are an appropriate metric?

Was good judgment used related to amount of data shared (not too much, no irrelevant information)?Does the title clearly identify the metrics and the hotels or segments?

Was the right type of graph (line, bar) used? •Was good judgment used related to amount of data shared (not too much, no irrelevant information)? •Was the audience able to distinguish the different sets of data? •Was everything on the slide accurate?10points7points4pointsTitles, Labels and Notes •Does the title clearly identify the metrics and the hotels […]

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