Develop a research question, narrowed to investigate a particular issue pertaining to student affairs. Submit your research question/topic with your article critique and rough draft.

STUDENT AFFAIRS ISSUE PROJECT: ROUGH DRAFT ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of the Student Affairs Issue Project is to assist the PhD candidate with formulating his or her thoughts around a very important issue in today’s higher education culture. You will learn how to investigate issues and determine best practices for possible resolutions to the issue […]

Discuss the rationale for the screening and assessment approach. Prepare a flyer to create an online display of the approach.

Develop a MOCK district or school wide approach for screening and identifying gifted and talented students. Think about how you would identify students for a gifted program. Think about who will be tested and when . Also think about equity. Discuss the rationale for the screening and assessment approach. Prepare a flyer to create an […]

Evaluate the lesson plan for ways in which the theme could be utilized within four learning centers for Ells or bilingual/dual language learners that you specify.

For this benchmark, develop four small-group learning centers for Ells or bilingual/dual language learners to review concepts from a previously taught lesson. “Creative Lesson Plan” from the topic materials to complete this assignment. Evaluate the lesson plan for ways in which the theme could be utilized within four learning centers for Ells or bilingual/dual language […]

Evaluate the lesson plan for ways in which the theme could be utilized within four learning centers for ELLs or bilingual/dual language learners that you specify.

For this benchmark, develop four small-group learning centers for ELLs or bilingual/dual language learners to review concepts from a previously taught lesson. . Evaluate the lesson plan for ways in which the theme could be utilized within four learning centers for ELLs or bilingual/dual language learners that you specify.

How will you measure student use of a program: number of times in attendance, amount of time spent using the service?

BONUS OPPORTUNITY-The essay assignment for this week is not an essay. This week you have read a number of chapters and articles about LSC program evaluation and the types of qualitative and quantitative data that LSC personnel should routinely collect to be used in program evaluation. Your task for this week is to list 15 […]

Describe when and why each of these fundamentals is appropriate for use to manage municipal solid waste. Include in your discussion details about the differences of microbial mechanisms, the end products of degradation, and factors that help and harm the performance of these operations. How effective is each one?

Answer the questions directly on this document. When you are finished save the document using this format. The specified word count is given for each question. At a minimum, you must use your textbook as a resource for these questions. Other sources may be used as needed. All material from outside sources must be cited […]

What section do you see as having the most significant impact on the next generation of college-going students and why?

DISCUSSION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS From this week’s reading, Contemporary Challenges and Issues, what section do you see as having the most significant impact on the next generation of college-going students and why? These instructions apply to the first four Discussion assignments; the final Discussion assignment has its own set of instructions and grading rubric. View these […]

What are some ways that a teacher can organize his/her learning environment, classroom materials and daily schedule to enable children to do their best?

Chapter 3 defines developmentally appropriate practice as “teaching that is attuned to children’s ages, experience, abilities, and interests, and that helps them attain challenging and achievable goals. ” Share some examples of how you have seen or experienced -developmentally appropriate practice implemented in a classroom -developmentally inappropriate practice implemented in a classroom Secondly, this chapter […]

Determine the quality of this research by determining if the articles are theoretical in nature, are opinions, or are quality academic research.Assess the quality of available research being used to support a current debate in learning theory.

Current Debate in Learning Theory To complete this assessment, you will need to do the following: • Evaluate multiple perspectives on both sides of the selected theoretical concept. o Present the arguments from both sides of the debate. o Discuss the current state of the debate in the field. • Assess the quality of available […]

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