List three factual statements found in each book.Verify each of the factual statements. Are they accurate? How do you know?Discuss.

Locate two (2)nonfiction-picture books for young children. Respond to the following for EACH book: 1.Cite title, author, publisher, and publication date. 2.List three factual statements found in each book. 3.Verify each of the factual statements. Are they accurate? How do you know? 4.Are there inaccurate statements in the books? How do you know?

Develop at least one specific activity each month that will involve families and help provide services to them . Include a Biblical principle for each month’s activity.

3. Family Involvement. Develop a family involvement calendar for your preschool program. a. Write objectives for the program. b. Develop at least one specific activity each month that will involve families and help provide services to them . Include a Biblical principle for each month’s activity. c. Include how you might involve fathers, language-minority families, […]

Explain what the Misfit means by, “Jesus thrown everything off balance?What does the Misfit mean when he says “She would have been a good woman if someone had been there to shoot her every minute of her life.”?

Remember that your assignment  should be double-spaced with your name and page in the upper left corner. Explain what the Misfit means by, “Jesus thrown everything off balance?” Does the grandmother experience a “deathbed conversion?” If so, would it be valid to allow her to have salvation at the last minute when she has not […]

Describe the units of study, sampling procedures, and sample. Describe the design and procedures of the study. Describe the data, data collection, and data analysis strategies.

Begin with an introductory paragraph or two to explain the focus of your critical analysis and why the topic is important and relevant to your interests and/or professional development. Each critical summary should include: 1. Level 1 Heading comprised of Authors’ last names and year. 2. Introduction. – Describe the authors’ research question(s) and purpose(s). […]

What do parents of immigrant children see as the challenges their children face in schools in their new nation?Explain

 OPEN THE FILES AND FOLLOW Are Piaget’s stages of development an accurate reflection of the abilities of children in the concrete stage of development? What do teachers perceive as the most effective behavior management strategy for children aged 5 – 7? What do parents of immigrant children see as the challenges their children face in […]

Discuss ways to promote the production of oral academic English.Discuss Strategies to Increase Comprehension give examples.

Helping English Language Learners Understand Content Area Texts Discuss: How educators should prepare when teaching ELL students in: -Building Background Knowledge -Pr-teaching vocabulary and concepts -Discuss Strategies to Increase Comprehension give examples -Discuss ways to promote the production of oral academic English -Discuss ways to promote the production of written academic English This essay must […]

What are strategies that educators may use that are helpful in ELL Writing Instruction.Discuss Calkin’s Four Phases of the Writing Process.

The essay should discuss: -Determining the degree of Writing Instruction that is needed in the classroom for the English Language Learners. Is it useful or not useful to use the conventions from the First Language? _What are strategies that educators may use that are helpful in ELL Writing Instruction. _Discuss Calkin’s Four Phases of the […]

Compare and contrast Lewin’s Theory of Change, Kotter’s 8-Step Model of Organizational Change, and the Change Path Model. What are the similarities and differences?

Compare and contrast Lewin’s Theory of Change, Kotter’s 8-Step Model of Organizational Change, and the Change Path Model. What are the similarities and differences? Discuss two (2) insights into the process of leading change you gained from this analysis, and how you could apply them as a change agent. This is for a Leading Organizational […]

Identify the higher education department you will study to complete the SLP assignments.

Select a University and Department of your choice. Identify the higher education department you will study to complete the SLIP assignments. Briefly discuss the context of the department by addressing the following: In your opinion, does the institutional mission align with the department’s mission? Discuss the implications of a misalignment of an institutional mission and […]

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