Read the case study of Alexey Piskunov. Draft a document for your partner/firm that details how this client meets the definition of a convention refugee.

Read the case study of Alexey Piskunov. Complete the application and required documents as described below.

Application for a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment

Based on the case scenario information provided:

  1. Draft a document for your partner/firm that details how this client meets the definition of a convention refugee.
  2. Draft a written submission on behalf of your client which clearly and specifically answers the following 5 questions. Be persuasive! Remember, you are arguing the case on behalf of your client. Make reference to the documentary evidence you will include.
    1. Why would the client be at risk if he/she was returned to their country of nationality or habitual residence?
    2. What kind of risks would he/she face and why?
    3. How do these risks concern them directly and personally?
    4. Could they escape these risks by moving to another city or region of their country?
    5. How does my situation compare with the situation of the rest of the population in their country of nationality or habitual residence?
  3. Draft 3 pieces of documentary evidence from the following (these documents will be created by you for the purposes of this assignment). You must choose 3 different types of documents. For example, you may choose to create a medical document, a news article, and a written testimony.
    1. Magazine or newspaper articles describing the situation in your country
    2. Legal documents
    3. Police documents
    4. Medical documents
    5. Personal documents
    6. Written testimonies
    7. Personal letters
  4. Fill out a Use of Rep form based on one person.
  5. Each group will present their case and documents to the class. Each student must participate.
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