Develop a strong predictor model that can be used to decide if incoming students have a high likelihood of being successful.


Research paper on designing a predictor method for placement of college students into higher level Biology Courses.

Higher level biology\science courses such as Anatomy and Physiology and Microbiology have some of the highest attrition rates and failure rates of all community\junior college courses. Students struggles to be successful in these upper level, more academic intensive courses.

Develop a strong predictor model that can be used to decide if incoming students have a high likelihood of being successful.

There are multiple entry criteria that can be used for placement of students into these courses.

a.) ACT comprehensive score

b.) ACT Science Subscore

c.) Previous entry level Biology courses (General Bio, Principles, etc)

d.) Acceptance into healthcare program


a.) Number of college successful courses

b.) Overall GPA

c.) Age

d.) Successful Online College Courses

Research on which type of statistical methods and test could be used to develop a predictor model for this type of study.

This paper needs to compare the different types of statistical test that could be used, the benefits or disadvantages of each test, the types of data that would be needed and best for this study, and any similar studies that can add significance to this study.

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