Find a current question or topic of controversy within your career field, research the current positions on that topic, then seek to argue your own, original point of view with the goal of convincing your audience that your position is valid.

Imagine that you are now out of college and working in the field of your choice. However, there is a controversy over a particular issue that is raging across the field. You’ve been asked to write a scholarly paper for a journal in which you propose a solution to the controversy, based on research from other authors. Let’s suppose their answers so far haven’t helped quell the controversy, so you’ll be building on their findings to present something new that adds to the conversation.

For this paper, you’ll find a current question or topic of controversy within your career field, research the current positions on that topic, then seek to argue your own, original point of view with the goal of convincing your audience that your position is valid.

For example, if you discuss the Coronavirus’ impact of small business owners, you should research at least two or more positions on this, then develop a position that presents a new angle on the problem, maybe some sort of compromise, or perhaps a way of looking at it that you don’t think has been considered before. You will use your research to discuss how your point is valid. Commenting on your source material is absolutely essential for this paper.

Other examples: Genetically Modified Foods (agriculture, science), Enforcing Texting & Driving Laws (law enforcement, pre-law), Dangerous Cheerleading Moves (exercise science, sports), the audience being smarter about advertising (marketing), same-sex marriage honeymoons (Hospitality), and so on.

We’re looking for something more than a simple pro-or-con, right-or-wrong, one side or the other essay. We want to find a thesis that really digs into the topic and gives us a new way of seeing it. Remember, this is to help the entire field you’re working within.

Why do you think this way about the topic?
Why is your position a possible solution?
Why did your research lead you to this position?

It’s easy to say to your audience, “You need to do this.” So let’s avoid that and show the audience why you came to the conclusion that you reached. Saying “Americans need to exercise more” isn’t going to get anyone up and moving. But if you say “By helping create community events like Fun Runs and Sports Leagues, we can encourage our neighbors and friends to exercise more in a relaxed social environment,” the reader has a plan of action and understands what’s behind it all.

Try to see the sources as part of a larger conversation—one person says something, and another person (you) responds to what they had to say. Show us source material and then follow-up with reasons why this source helps us understand your thesis more clearly. Always answer (not necessarily in this order or exactly this way) Why? How? What’s the connection? We want to know. As for the call to action, show us examples of why this action is a good one to take. Maybe another community tried it, or research suggests people will respond to it. Show us.

How do we do this?

1. Start with a topic that people within your field have several different opinions on.
2. Then examine what people are saying about the issue from all sides. Think of as many arguments that help explain why someone should either support or not support the source arguments. It not enough to just hold a position, but to explain why you hold it.
3. Read what others have written on the subject and formulate a response. It’s very important to make sure that you have something to say about why you consider a source right, wrong, or a little of both. Your responses to these sources will help develop your thesis.
4. Decide how to go about showing your thesis as a valid argument. To do this, make sure you break down the argument into several different areas, each one giving you a solid idea to discuss in a body paragraph. Each para. should show another reason why your position is valid.
5. Conclude by revisiting your original argument, but instead of simply repeating it, show us how all of your body paras. tie together to support your thesis (without listing every idea again. What’s it all add up to?)

This will be an essay of at least 10 pages (plus a properly formatted works cited page) requiring at least 7 reputable sources (none of which can be Wikipedia).

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