Explain the importance of research in the development of learning and teaching opportunities for disabled young people and adults.

Carry out a research into theories and framework relating to the learning and teaching of disabled young people and adults.

Produce a report which

  • Explains the importance of research in the development of learning and teaching opportunities for disabled young people and adults.
  • Analyses how theories of learning inform learning and teaching practice in relation to disabled learners
  • Analyses the social model of disability and its impact on inclusive learning opportunities for disabled young people and adults
  • Analyses how attitudes to disability, including social, cultural and faith and belief influence learning opportunities for disabled young people and adults.
  • Analyses how inclusive learning has been defined
  • Explains the importance of inclusive learning for disabled learners
  • Describes the challenges involved in the implementation of a whole organisational approach to inclusive learning
  • Analyses how approaches to communication and language development influence inclusive practice in relation to disabled learners. (750 WORDS)


You are required to produce a report based on your own practice, which

  • Analyses how national, regional and local politics influence provision for disabled young people and adults
  • Explains how risk assessments influence the curriculum
  • Explains how current legal requirements and national policies and guidance promote the rights and well-being of learners
  • Explains the role of organisations and networks that can offer services and support to disabled learners
  • Explains ways to maintain relationships with parents, carers and others with an interest in the learner.
  • Analyses the skills needed to work collaboratively for the benefit of disabled learners.

Your report should include one example where you:

  • Evaluate the impact of policy and regulatory frameworks on a local initiative relating to learning provision for disabled young people and adults. (750 WORDS)

Your report should include and make links to your example


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