What changes did you observe from Mr G original Nutrient Intake Report to the new made up Nutrient Intake Report?

New Diet Creation and Analysis for Mr. G

The goal for this part of the project is to compare Mr. G initial food log with a new diet that you will create. You will use Mr. G original 5-day food journal, for this Assignment. In this activity, you will demonstrate your ability to do three tasks:

  1. Determine whether the foods Mr. G ate during the 5-days met the recommendations for calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat.
  2. Determine whether the foods Mr. G ate during the 5-days provided the right amount of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Modify his daily diet to meet the individual daily recommendations

Part 1

  1. Using Mr. G 5-Day Nutrient Intake Report diet analysis, analyze the report in comparison to the DRI Values and record your answers to the following questions in a Word document:
  2. What did the nutrition analysis teach you about his diet in general?
  3. Based on the 5-day combined report, which nutrients did he consume in amounts less than 75% of the DRI on average?
  4. Based on the 5-day combined report, which nutrients did he consume in amounts greater than 125% of the DRI on average?
  5. Select three (3) nutrients that were low in Mr. G diet and three (3) nutrients that were high in his diet (based on1 & 2 above). Explain how EACH of the nutrients that you selected as too high or too low functions in the body and affects his health and risk factors for diseases.If he does not have three low and/or three high nutrients in his diet, you may randomly select nutrients to discuss for a total of 6 nutrients.
  6. Name three (3) foods that you could add to his diet that would help him consume more of the nutrients he was too low in. Make sure to identify which nutrient(s) each food contains that you added. For example, if you add carrots to his diet because he needs more Vitamin A, then explain that.
  7. Name three (3) foods that you could easily eliminate or reduce in Mr. G diet that would help to reduce hi intake of the nutrients that he was too high in. Make sure to identify which nutrient(s) each food contains that you eliminated. For example, if you removed canned soup from his diet because it is high in sodium, then explain that.

Part 2

  1. Make (1) full day of menus for Mr. G, using foods you think he might like, and include different foods at different meals. The goal here is to improve his diet but to maintain realistic expectations. Enter this to my fitness pal to generate another nutrient report for 1 day.
  2. Answer the following question in the same Word Document: Write a response to the question What changes did you observe from Mr G original Nutrient Intake Report to the new made up Nutrient Intake Report?”Be sure to discuss what areas improved or maybe got worse from a nutrient standpoint.
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