Examine and evaluate government legislation, policies and school-based practices relevant to secondary schooling to inform and guide the content included within the resources.

In this assessment task, students will create two (2) resources aimed at communicating key issues to parents and caregivers. These resources must relate to two different topics listed below. Students will select from:
1. Information outlining to parents and caregivers, the assessment, reporting and feedback structures used within the selected school community.

2. Information designed to support parent and caregiver understanding of the various transitions and pathways into and out of senior schooling that are available/relevant to students within the selected school community.

3. Information designed to inform parents and caregivers in relation to the expectations which the selected school places on the role of students in co-creating a safe, supportive and engaged learning environment.

4. Information designed to inform parents and caregivers about the responsible and ethical use of ICT to ensure that all learners feel safe and supported as learners within the selected school.

For each resource, students are required to provide a justification. This justification will:

• briefly describe the resource and how it is to be used • explain how the resource is suited to the audience (through the selection of mode, content, language and delivery approach) • explain how the resource is consistent with relevant government legislation, policies and school-based practices
1. Select and communicate content appropriate and relevant for the two chosen topics.

2. Identify and justify the intended audience for each resource, demonstrated through the selection of mode, content, language and delivery approach.

3. Examine and evaluate government legislation, policies and school-based practices relevant to secondary schooling to inform and guide the content included within the resources.

4. Justify each resource in relation to its audience, mode, content, language and delivery approach.

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