Introduce yourself as the consultant and explain what you will do: Explain the context of the business/organisation.

Define the issue.

·         Clearly explain how it has arisen and why it is an issue for business.

·         Clearly link the issue to business and HRM and state its implications.

·         Specifically mention and define: HR Planning, Recruitment, and Selection.


Introduce yourself as the consultant and explain what you will do

·         Explain the context of the business/organisation.

·         Synthesise the findings from the previous section and use them to produce strategies for HRM

·         Specifically mention and discuss your recommendations for HR Planning, Recruitment, and Selection.


Introduce the artefact.

·         Explain who it is produced for and what its purpose is

·         Explain how the target audience will access the artefact – staff intranet/website

·         Provide a link to the artefact if it is  online



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