Select an international organization and identify the closest competitor.Explain the reasons why company B is a competitor of company A.

Please submit a One Page Overview of your work towards the summative assessment, following the below structure. For your assignment, you need to select an international organization and identify the closest competitor. Provide a short presentation of the two companies. Explain the reasons why company B is a competitor of company A. Access the financial […]

How will you organize your time completing this project within 10 weeks ?

During the final course in your M.Ed. program, you will be required to complete a Capstone project, which will serve as a summative assessment for your degree program. This project will demonstrate the learning and skills you have acquired throughout the program. For your Main Post, compile a list of potential research topics related to […]

An assessment of whether preparing or keeping notes for a reading diary contributed to your learning? If so, how?

Summative assessment will consist of a 4,000 word reading diary. This should reference at least 6 references recommended as module readings, and address the topics from at least 3 weeks. The diary needs an introduction and conclusion, which set out the argument you are making and how you are linking the references cited into a […]

Explain the lessons you have learned about critical thinking, analysis, and revision and how they can be applied to future writing activities in your academic or professional life.

Summative Assessment Part Two Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric First Draft of Critical Analysis Essay Overview: The ability to communicate a message through writing is essential in any career. Effective writing shapes and informs the opinions of its readers. The writing process can be intimidating; however, the more you work with it, the more comfortable […]

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