How much time do you assume you spend online, generally.What’s the content of your interactions like, generally.Do you interact with others online.Explain.

Using the rules of level of measurement choose the appropriate statistics to Calculate at least eight (8) distinct statistics: 4 for the individual data and 4 for the class-level data Ensure to combine variables, i.e. rate, frequency and time Create at least four (4) data visualizations Areas to Explore and in preparation of Presentation: What […]

Identify three ways professionals use statistics in their fields.Go deeper with one, and provide a specific example of how a manger in your field might organize a study and leverage the results to positively influence customer or public perception.

Sampling Applications • Identify three ways professionals use statistics in their fields. • Go deeper with one, and provide a specific example of how a manger in your field might organize a study and leverage the results to positively influence customer or public perception. • Remember to cite your sources.

Explain the reasons why Demographic trends may make us more vulnerable to pandemics.

Answer the following questions: 3.1 What African region has the highest TFR? 3.2 What advantages and disadvantages does Africa have by having the youngest population in the world? 4. From this link: answer the following questions: 4.1 What is expected to happen to the European population by the year 2050 and why? 4.2 How […]

Describe the foster care system and how children operate within it.Discuss how this topic is relevant today.

A. Define and describe all elements of the topic a. Examples – include diagnostic criteria for childhood disorder b. Example – legal or CDC definitions for child abuse or sexual abuse c. Describe the foster care system and how children operate within it B. Discuss how this topic is relevant today C. Include data, statistics […]

Were death sentences imposed fairly in Virginia based on statistics? Which racial group of offenders received a death sentence the most?

On March 24, 2021, Governor Ralph Northam signed a bill into law that repeals the death penalty in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This is your opportunity to express how you personally feel about the new legislation. Your final examination for this course is an opinion essay based on the new legislation. Please write an essay […]

Evaluate a work of art, an architectural design, a piece of advanced music from the jazz and classical repertoires.

Evaluate a favorite sports team or your favorite sports team in a spectacular season. Attempt this only if you can gather plenty of statistics and expert testimony. Do not try this strictly from your own knowledge. If you can find sufficient testimony, you may evaluate a favorite film or a detested film. Try Academic Search […]

Is drug use among pregnant women common?Explain.

Rewrite order #563816 this was the coment I received from my professor (Rephrase the first sentence. You make it sound as if MOST pregnant women used drugs (“predominant”). That can’t be true!? Is it? Is drug use among pregnant women common? Some statistics would answer that question. And let’s focus on the US, not worldwide. […]

Describe measurement concepts and statistical terms used in research and program evaluation.Describe the level of measurement appropriate for a variety of statistics.

Use the Unit 9 Assignment Template to document your knowledge about basic research design terms and concepts that counselors often encounter in research and program evaluation work. Material for the chart can be taken from the course text and other resources of your choice. Think of this as a customized tool to which you can […]

What problem is your solution or behavior going to solve? Why is it a problem? Give statistics where possible (e.g. 100 trees are lost every year due to logging!)

Purpose For this project, you will design a poster used to highlight a behavior change someone could make that would help increase the sustainability of our food production systems. The poster should be persuasive–you are trying to convince people to make the change you’ve chosen! There are many options for a topic, but here is […]

What methods/design are commonly listed? What type of technology-enhanced approaches were used?

This week, you are to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of experimentation as related to entrepreneurship. Please conduct a search of peer-reviewed sources on different types  of experiments used to reach entrepreneurial activities as well as statistics reflecting the successes or failures of chosen types. What methods/design are commonly listed? What type of technology-enhanced approaches […]

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