Discuss the role of violence in the history of at least 3 different groups during the period of colonization of the Americas and the development of its societies into the 20th century.

Write an essay with the following prompt. Discuss the role of violence in the history of at least 3 different groups during the period of colonization of the Americas and the development of its societies into the 20th century.  

Compare and contrast the Spanish, French, and English conquests of the “New World.” How did each nation acquire a foothold within the Americas? How did each shape the history of the United States? What were the relationships with Native Americans? Was slavery a large aspect of society, and if not did it become so? If so, why?

Please answer the two essay questions. These answers should be constructed as if they are an essay or paper. For this, you will need an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. These two separate questions should equal 2 pages in length and should include citations for resources of the information. Each essay is worth 25 […]

How might the results compare and/or contrast to their initial instances? In other words, are humans, societies, cultures, or humans within various societies and cultures fundamentally different today than in the 1960s and 1970s?

For this writing project we will explore two famous sociological experiments: Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison and Milgram’s study on obedience. In your response, you should (1) include a brief summary of each study and their significance/major findings. Then respond to the following: Were you surprised by the results of each study? Why or why not ? […]

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