What is the author’s main argument in the text? What do they want us to believe about humans? How does the author get the reader to reconsider stereotypes and generalizations about a specific culture?

Respond to both of the questions below using evidence from one of the following texts in Writing on the River: “Blue Collar Brilliance. The 2 Questions are: What is the author’s main argument in the text? What do they want us to believe about humans? How does the author get the reader to reconsider stereotypes […]

What will the future look like in a world dominated by robots, algorithms, machine intelligence, the Internet of Things and a myriad of new and emerging technologies? What will the role of humans be in such a society?

Artificial intelligence (AI) agents are already involved in every aspect of our lives – they keep our inboxes free of spam, they help us make our web transactions, they fly our planes and, if Google gets its way, they will also soon be driving our cars for us. The Internet of Things have made it […]

What impact might this information have on assigning a date to the origin of humans? Does this change your definition of “human”?

If we maintain a strict biological definition of “species”, H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis were NOT separate species as they successfully interbred. What impact might this information have on assigning a date to the origin of humans? Does this change your definition of “human”? Why or why not?

Is the women’s strategy effective? What might the women’s boycott in the name of peace reveal about what humans find to be important?

Here are the Professor’s instructions: After reading Lysistrata, answer the following two questions: Is the women’s strategy effective? What might the women’s boycott in the name of peace reveal about what humans find to be important?  

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