Write ½ to 1 page on all the articles regarding the Implications of the study findings that can be used to inform and improve social work practice, policy, and service delivery.

Topic: Intervention methods that social workers and other mental health professionals (MHPs) utilize while working with youths who have experienced ACE (Adverse Childhood Experience).   An Exploratory Study on Incorporating Sexuality into Therapeutic Work with Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse – ProQuest   Caregiver perceptions about mental health services after child sexual abuse   Effectiveness […]

How does the information in the article apply to intervention, prevention, and/or treatment within a particular population?What did the authors discuss in the article?

Explain article “The Many Roles of Social Workers in the Prevention and Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Addiction:A Major Health and Social Problem Affecting Individuals, Families, and Society” and why it is important * What type of journal article did you read? * What did the authors discuss in the article? * How does the […]

Discuss how your personal ethical values compare and contrast with the NASW Code of Ethics that you are required to follow as a professional?

Analyze the Values & Standards in the NASW Code of Ethics Identify and discuss the core value of the profession that you believe most clearly plays a role in working with people experiencing racial disproportionately . Identify two specific ethical standards from the NASW Code of Ethics that you think might become the greatest ethical […]

Discuss how HOSPITAL’S could implement activities to address the social and environmental determinants identified in the CHNA related to the respiratory health of low-income individuals served by HOSPITALS.

The CHNA related to the respiratory health 1. Discuss how HOSPITAL’S could implement activities to address the social and environmental determinants identified in the CHNA related to the respiratory health of low-income individuals served by HOSPITALS. 2. Discuss the roles of different professionals in these activities including primary care providers, pulmonologists, social workers, legal aid […]

Do you think that it is simpler and more complex to assess older clients than younger clients? Explain your answer.

Developing a treatment plan for an adult involves a different set of considerations than proposing treatment for a child or a teenager. Thinking about these three client age groups, which client age group would you expect to be the most “resistant” to therapy? Explain your answer. Reflecting on this issue, how can a social worker […]

How does formal assessment take place at your field site? How does informal assessment take place at your field site? In what ways can self-assessment be incorporated in practice and why is it important?

Assessment is an ongoing process for social workers. Social workers complete micro, mezzo, and macro level assessments on a constant basis to ensure services, treatment, and policies are appropriately addressing the needs of the client. How does formal assessment take place at your field site? How does informal assessment take place at your field site? […]

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