Conduct your own physical experiment using the scientific method. Research the scientific method and give a 1 page written description of each step.

Conduct your own physical experiment using the scientific method. Research the scientific method and give a 1 page written description of each step. You will then document your process with photos and/or video. Results will also be shared by uploading such media (or the links) of your process to the discussion board in this module. […]

Create a “Map” or a Diagram of the Scientific Method. Include what you viewed. Identify each step of the Scientific Method.

Diagram of Scientific Method Part 1: Create a “Map” or a Diagram of the Scientific Method. Include what you viewed. Identify each step of the Scientific Method. Then describe how the Scientific Method can be applied to any episode through your “Map” or Diagram. This assignment must meet the following criteria: Minimum word count: 300 […]

Select one episode of the following to view: Myth Busters, NCIS, Tanked, Law & Order, Nova or anything you think is relevant to post your understanding of The Scientific Method.

Scientific Method Select one episode of the following to view: Myth Busters, NCIS, Tanked, Law & Order, Nova or anything you think is relevant to post your understanding of The Scientific Method. Include in the discussion which topic and episode you selected, and why you chose it.

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