Describe and explain research methodology, framework, and your application of the research method (describe the actual process you applied).

I reviewed the rubric and assessment instructions and then tabled everything to guide you, specifically the approx word count you should devote to each section and what each section will be marked on. So the word count for the Intro and Lit Review means you will draw on Task 1 but you will need to […]

Critically evaluate appropriate research methodologies in terms of research objectives;

Please see accompanying PPT 1.2 Develop appropriate research objectives and justify their choice; Please see accompanying PPT 2. Understand how to review the literature on a research topic 2.1 Evaluate literature relevant to a research problem Please see accompanying PPT 2.2 Critically analyse different theoretical approaches to a research problem; Please see accompanying PPT 3. […]

Based the published empirical study below, identify and critically assess the positioning of the author(s).

Description All researchers take a particular stance or position in their work, although this may be implicit or explicit. Based the published empirical study below, identify and critically assess the positioning of the author(s). In particular, consider (in no more than 2000 words): • The author(s)’ ontological, epistemological and axiological assumptions, • Whether and how […]

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