Identify and explain 2–3 management or efficiency arguments for and against a more centralized response to large national disasters like Hurricane Katrina. Provide suggestions both pro and con.

Respond to the following: Review “The Katrina Breakdown,” in Chapter 3 of Managing the Public Sector. • Setting aside the philosophical and legal issues this case raises, identify and explain 2–3 management or efficiency arguments for and against a more centralized response to large national disasters like Hurricane Katrina. Provide suggestions both pro and con. […]

Identify with rationale, aspects of each theory/approach you tend to incorporate into your own developing philosophical and applied approach to counseling.

You are asked to analyze, evaluate and critique the various counseling theories/approaches covered in your textbook. do not simply summarize each theory or simply quote the authors. Rather, evaluate and critique the theory’s view of human nature, its key concepts, the therapeutic process it lays out and the techniques and procedures it applies. Identify with […]

Describe the activity or artifact you have found, and give a link to it if it’s on the web.Argue for why the activity or artifact counts as philosophical.

Find something out in the world beyond the course that you think counts as an example of philosophical content, or thinking, or a philosophical activity. There are many different options for this assignment, from novels to films to video games to TV shows to everyday activities. It’s up to you what you want to pick […]

What Lobeck wants us to understand about power and language. What is your big takeaway?

File Lobeck-A Critical Approach to Standard English. In this course, we have looked at language from a mostly structural point of view. But language and language instruction for speakers of languages other than English and speakers of non-standard forms of English have sociological, philosophical, ideological, and political aspects to them. Lobeck’s article makes us think […]

Explain why these works are clear examples of either the High Renaissance of the Mannerist movements.

Write a paragraph assessment for each piece. Explain why these works are clear examples of either the High Renaissance of the Mannerist movements. Think about what political, social, or philosophical concepts lead to this important period in art?    

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