Are you planning on tracking these patients after they leave the facility for the next 6 months?Are you providing weight based training to these patients when they are hospitalized?

Respond to professor’s follow-up question in regards to the PICOT assignment. Below is what the professor asked; Professor’s question: 1. Are you planning on tracking these patients after they leave the facility for the next 6 months? 2. Are you providing weight based training to these patients when they are hospitalized? 3. Do you have […]

Examine how personal beliefs and values influenced your response to the scenario.Describe how you would respond to Mr. Newcomb’s request.

You have been working as a nurse in the adult oncology unit for the past year. You have developed a close relationship with many of your patients, but Mr. Newcomb has a special place in your heart. He has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and has undergone aggressive chemotherapy. Each day his wife […]

Discuss ways and methods that you have used to lower your anxiety. Give 2 examples how you have achieved success in lowering your anxiety with evidence-based support.

Discuss ways and methods that you have used to lower your anxiety. Give 2 examples how you have achieved success in lowering your anxiety with evidence-based support. Sharing this can help your colleagues as well as your patients to manage anxiety.

Evaluate the need for an ethical framework for counselling and psychotherapy.Explain the main elements of one recognised ethical framework for counselling and psychotherapy.

“ Professional Organisational Issues in Counselling” Assesment criteria: 1.1 Explain the use of psychological assessment tools in counselling. 2.1 Evaluate the need for an ethical framework for counselling and psychotherapy. 2.2 Explain the main elements of one recognised ethical framework for counselling and psychotherapy. 2.3 Analyse the similarities and differences between their chosen ethical framework […]

What role does carbohydrate intake play in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? What dietary recommendations are usually given to patients with COPD?

1. Define and give an example of a monosaccharid, disaccharide, and a polysaccharide. 2. What kinds of foods contain carboxylic acids? 3. What kinds of foods contain esters? 4. What role does carbohydrate intake play in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? What dietary recommendations are usually given to patients with COPD?

In “The Boston Photographs”, Ephron argues about the role of censorship in the media and news reporting:Do you believe censorship is important in the media?

Write a research essay on the topic listed below. You will need to stake out your position with respect to the topic, and to provide not only evidence from the text, but also evidence from reputable scholarly articles to back up your claims. You must include a minimum of 3 scholarly, reputable sources in your […]

What kinds of policy decisions can be made at the state level to improve patient understanding of health insurance? What steps can healthcare providers take to improve patient understanding? What steps should healthcare providers take to improve patient understanding?

In your opinion, what obligation do consumers of insurance specifically, patients with health insurance have to understand how health insurance operates? Do you think the average patient understands his or her insurance benefits? How might past patient experience with health insurance impact future patient behavior? What kinds of policy decisions can be made at the […]

Describe the local end of life care pathway including support provided by partner agencies.Explain your legal and ethical responsibilities with end of life patients.

Palliative care emergencies Describe, the management of palliative care emergencies according to the wishes and preferences of the service user and loved ones. • Summarise key points of current legislation relating to end of life care. • Explain your legal and ethical responsibilities with end of life patients. • Describe the local end of life […]

Compare and contrast how the two ethical theories you have chosen are different.

In the early modules, we discussed ethical theories. These are ethical relativism, ethical egoism, utilitarianism, Kant’s deontology, and natural law theory/virtue ethics. In the later modules of the course, we discussed several problems in applied ethics. You may choose from those applied ethics cases or choose one of your own. Structure of the Essay 1. […]

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