Nutrients: Design three healthy meals that will be eaten by your client during an entire day.

Nutrients Note that with the material we have reviewed this week, we have now completed studying all nutrients (including macro and micro). As a result, you will need to complete somewhat of a cumulative assignment of modules 1-4, which will require the following. Imagine that you are working with an individual between the ages of […]

How many grams of fat do you consume daily? What percentage of your daily calories comes from fat?ow many grams of protein do you consume daily? What percentage of your daily calories comes from protein?

Midterm Project Instructions: Monitor your food intake in a food diary: Choose three days during which your eating habits are typical. Generally, a good guideline is to include two week days and one weekend day. Record all foods and drinks you consume for each of the three days. Estimate quantities of each item to the […]

What are some reasons the fast food industry is being scrutinized so much today as opposed to 20 years ago?Do you think controlling obesity is a responsibility of corporations or people? Why?

Perhaps you have already seen this movie? It came out in 2004, but the point is still relevant. I read in Fall 2017 that Morgan Spur lock is working on a sequel called “Super Size Me: Holy Chicken!”. I need to look for an update on that. Watch the movie “Super-Size Me!” and answer the […]

When the diet claims that weight will be lost, what is that weight? Is it fat, water, muscle mass?Does it follow sound dietary principles as discussed in our class?

For this next assignment, you actually have a lot of freedom. In a 1-1 1/2 page paper, tell me about a diet plan, diet scam, fad diet, or dietary supplement. We have already mentioned several in our book and notes so far this semester, but there are some good ones out there that we haven’t […]

What changes did you observe from Mr G original Nutrient Intake Report to the new made up Nutrient Intake Report?

New Diet Creation and Analysis for Mr. G The goal for this part of the project is to compare Mr. G initial food log with a new diet that you will create. You will use Mr. G original 5-day food journal, for this Assignment. In this activity, you will demonstrate your ability to do three […]

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