Statement of purpose Master in science Mechanical Engineering:Identify the best structure of a gear box that transmit input work efficiently.

EDUCATION Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Graduation expected: Spring 2021 Minor in General Business Studies Cumulative GPA 3.54 Relevant Coursework: Machine Theory, Engineering Graphics, Financial Accounting Temple University Japan Campus Tokyo, Japan Bachler of Arts in Economics January 2017-August 2018 Minor in General Business Studies RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Temple University Philadelphia, […]

WHAT ARE LESSONS PLAN for non-native speakers

The assessment for this module is a piece of written work (100%), consisting of the following components: 1) Two lesson plans: one lesson plan for teaching listening/speaking; and the other one for teaching reading/writing. 2) You are required to choose authentic (non-textbook) materials for the two lesson plans, together with your designed exercises which help […]

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