Compare the London Plan with affordable housing provision in New York City: Raise some concerns about the sufficiency of this approach. Does it do justice to the issues London faces?

Compare the London Plan with affordable housing provision in New York City 1. Overall context and details of the exercise The London Plan is a key strategic document through which the Mayor of London aims to shape development in the metropolitan area. The latest iteration of the Plan has recently been adopted after a process […]

Compare and contrast any two characters in the novel, considering similarities and differences.

Choose from one of the following topics: -Compare and contrast any two characters in the novel, considering similarities and differences. -Analyze a significant place/setting in the novel. Aside from the obvious physical features or differences, consider the symbolic function of each place. Setting options: West or East Egg, Gatsby’s mansion, the valley of the ashes […]

Examine the relationship between the overall cost of living and the cost of each of these individual items by using linear regression. Verify the necessary conditions and describe the relationship in as much detail as possible .

The Mercer Human Resource Consulting website  lists prices of certain items in selected cities around the world. They also report an overall cost-of-living index for each city compared to the costs of hundreds of items in New York City . Examine the relationship between the overall cost of living and the cost of each of […]

How are properties assessed for tax purposes in New York City?What is the appeals process if you believe the assessment is wrong?When must the property taxes be paid?

1. How are properties assessed for tax purposes in New York City? 2. How are property taxes computed based upon the assessment? 3. When are property taxes levied? 4. When must the property taxes be paid? 5. What occurs when payment is delinquent? 6. What is the appeals process if you believe the assessment is […]

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