What forensic and/or legal issues might be present should the neuropsychologist determine that Ms. D. is suffering from a condition that will progress to the point where she is unable to care for herself? Provide your rationale.

Ms. D. is an 84-year-old housewife who sometimes gets lost and has to phone her husband to come pick her up when trying to walk back home by herself from the neighborhood grocery store. During her shopping trips, she sometimes also forgets to take her list with her and then cannot remember all the items […]

Determine which one and only one of the professionals i.e., psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, or neuropsychologist is the best choice to evaluate and manage each case.

Mental health professionals Mental health professionals are a diverse group and range greatly in their scope and depth of practice. In terms of doctorly prepared practitioners you will often find yourself working with psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and neuropsychologists. Using websites such as APA.org, explore these careers and what roles these professionals play. Then consider the […]

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