How well did the film portray the criminal justice system, criminal, or victims?

Movie Review & Critique Movie Review & Critique Review one the following films listed below and do the following in short answer form: 1-Provide a summary of the film in two paragraphs. Be sure to discuss the major ideas, thought, points of the film. 2-Discuss your reaction to the film by answering the following in […]

Visit the movie review archive at Roger Ebert’s website. Search the archive for a review of a movie you’ve seen and choose a movie you love or one that you hate.

To practice your argument-reading skills, this assignment uses a type of argumentative writing you are probably familiar with: movie reviews. Although you may have never thought of them as arguments, movie reviews (and every other type of review) make the same argumentative moves as any other kind of written argument. Most obviously, reviews: Take a […]

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