Describe the intelligence and propose an activity that would allow students with strengths in this area to show they have achieved this second-grade standard.

Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. Select any two multiple intelligence’s. For each intelligence selected: Describe the intelligence and propose an activity that would allow students with strengths in this area to show they have achieved this second-grade standard. Reflect on how two different […]

In a business environment, why should people be moral as individuals?

Use the following 2 starting points to develop your essay on morality and ethics: The article by Jay Feldman: Sunday Dialogue: How Corporations Behave Alfred North Whitehead’s controversial statement, “What is morality in any given time and place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like and immorality is what they dislike” […]

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