Briefly discuss what linguists do and explain the nature of language and words. Briefly explain a prescriptive approach to grammar vs. a descriptive approach to grammar.

Read Chapter 1 in Relevant Linguistics and respond to questions/statements posted. Your response can be brief and to the point. Whenever possible, please, provide examples. Submit your response as an attachment in an MS Word file, or type right in the text box. Briefly discuss what linguists do and explain the nature of language and […]

Practice how to read IPA transcriptions. Write the corresponding English word for each transcription.

LING 123 Lab 8: IPA In this assignment, you will practice how to read IPA transcriptions. Below is a list of IPA transcriptions. Write the corresponding English word for each transcription. (1) əbændən (2) bʌmbəlbi (3) tʃɑrkoʊl (4) dɪkʃənɛri (5) istbɑʊnd (6) feɪtfəl (7) dʒiɑgrəfi (8) gʌvərnmənt (9) hɑɪdʒin (10) ɪnsəfɪʃənt (11) dʒoʊkɪŋli (12) kɪŋdəm […]

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