Summarize policies and procedures relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behavior.Explain effective practice in relation to behavior management.

Understand policies and procedures for promoting children and young people’s positive behavior in a learning environment. Read the scenario before attempting the task: You have been assigned to a new class for the next academic year. During your 1-1 catch up with the class teacher she shares information from the previous class teacher about three […]

What exactly is being claimed here? How and from where has this claim originated? How reliable and meaningful is the claim? Is the intended information always presented and portrayed helpfully and accurately? Are realistic conclusions always drawn ?

Climate Change may be the most heavily debated topic in the world today. Although it could be misleading to suggest that ‘opinion is split (as in ‘equally split’), there is certainly strong disagreement in some quarters. However, integral to this disputial or discussion, vested interest and misinformation, alongside good, verifiable, independent research. Your task is […]

Identify any recent cases and/or law reform or parliamentary inquiries, government discussion papers, etc. A thorough reading of the literature (including the relevant part of your text or prescribed reading from the course) is needed for you to know what the key issues are.

Assessment 2:Research Essay Topics Overview Students are required to choose ONE research essay topic(topics 1 to 4)from the topics outlined below. The essay requires a research component, so make sure you have a thorough look at any of the relevant extended reading/resources to be located at the end of the particular readings or textbook chapters […]

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