How might you apply what you have learned about critically reading research articles in the future?

1.How has your understanding of statistics evolved since the beginning of the course? 2.What are the next questions you want to find answers to now? 3.How will the knowledge you have gained in this course inform your personal and professional life? 4.How might you apply what you have learned about critically reading research articles in […]

How would you ensure that ethical principles are fostered?Does this proposed project use human subjects?Would this project be classified as research?

If you were to implement a EBB initiative to answer your clinical or management question: How would you ensure that ethical principles are fostered? Would this project be classified as research? Does this proposed project use human subjects? Provide specific details for your answer to each question. Explain your response including a citation to the […]

Briefly describe the significant elements of the service, outline the points of the service, and pay particular attention to any references to American culture and be sure to include these in your report.

Religious Service Experience Briefly describe the significant elements of the service, outline the points of the service, and pay particular attention to any references to American culture and be sure to include these in your report. Record your personal response to the service and provide an estimate of the significant things said/done during the service. […]

How are you recruiting your participants to ensure that they are volunteers? Do they fall into any groups that need additional protection?

This section should describe a feasible/doable research project. Description of the proposed study design and strategy: research design Sampling design, description of proposed sample/subjects, recruitment plan Plan to protect human subjects given your proposed sample, how would you submit your study to the IRB? How are you recruiting your participants to ensure that they are […]

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