What roadblocks and obstacles do you anticipate getting in the way of your plan being put into effect? Make some predictions about your social problem and solution in terms of what is likely to happen in the future based on what you learned from this course and from your research.

Feminist Theories: Gender Inequality in Knowledge PowerPoint Presentation You will present potential solutions to the problem in a PowerPoint presentation. These solutions can be drawn from nonprofit and community programs that already exist, as well as proposed and existing state and federal programs and policies. The research conducted for Part 1 should inform the solutions […]

What roadblocks and obstacles do you anticipate getting in the way of your plan being put into effect? Make some predictions about your social problem and solution in terms of what is likely to happen in the future based on what you learned from this course and from your research.

Feminist Theories: Gender Inequality in Knowledge PowerPoint Presentation You will present potential solutions to the problem in a PowerPoint presentation. These solutions can be drawn from nonprofit and community programs that already exist, as well as proposed and existing state and federal programs and policies. The research conducted for Part 1 should inform the solutions […]

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