Analyze the primary failures and successes of the Captain’s communication strategy.Would the outcomes have been similar or different?

Communication, Ethics, and a Command Decision Analyze the ethical decision that the Captain faced as it relates to how he communicated his plea and in the context of his position. Consider the sender, receiver, message, and channel. Analyze the primary failures and successes of the Captain’s communication strategy. Make sure to consider how the letter […]

Demonstrate you understand the complexity of the ethical issue by researching the many sides of the topic.

Write a 6-8-page APA paper on some controversial topic central to ethical decision making in healthcare. The object of this paper is for the student to probe deeper into a particular issue than we would be able to in class. The class readings should be viewed as only a jumping off point for this paper. […]

What are the tenets of Rawl’s theory of justice? What is the veil of ignorance? Provide an example of how you would utilize the veil of ignorance to make an ethical decision.

1 page, single spaced, 500 words. Answer the following questions 250 words each. 1. How do justice and fairness differ from utilitarianism? Provide an example. 2. What are the tenets of Rawl’s theory of justice? What is the veil of ignorance? Provide an example of how you would utilize the veil of ignorance to make […]

Monitor the outcomes of your ethical decision. i.e. what has happened in the marketplace as a result—current issues that may be relevant to past actions.

Murphy et al. Case Studies (600 points, 43%) Weekly cases are assigned from the Murphy, Laczniak and Harris (Murphy et al.) text. Be sure to apply ethical and social responsible theory to your discussion of the case and accompanying questions. This outline is from pp. 55-56: 1. Determine the facts—what, who, when, where—i.e. define the […]

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