Choose a video to watch. It MUST be from the subject and topic: LITERACY & ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grade Level MUST be from 5-12 grades.

Field/Video Experience Observation Choose a video to watch. It MUST be from the subject and topic: LITERACY & ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grade Level MUST be from 5-12 grades. You can choose the “framework” of your liking. In your paper indicate the following: Content area and Title of the video: ATLAS video#: The grade level category […]

Search for an advertisement which depicts gender in a problematic way. Once you find the advertisement, you will do a rhetorical analysis on the advertisement.

Rhetorical Analysis Once you watch the film, you will undertake a similar endeavor as Jean Kilbourne. You will search for an advertisement which depicts gender in a problematic way. Once you find the advertisement, you will do a rhetorical analysis on the advertisement. You will write about the parts that make up the advertisement: tone, […]

Americans have good reason to be seriously concerned about drinking water,discuss.

“Americans have good reason to be seriously concerned about drinking water” – MLA format, 10 -12 typed pages, double spaced, at least 10 “super sources” utilized. All sources must be used. – Normal margins, 12 point Times New Roman font. – Must have a Works Cited page, which is not included in the overall page […]

Choose a work read this semester, and in a cogent, thesis-driven essay, discuss and analyze the theme of individualism, self-definition, self-worth, unconventionality, imprisonment, and/or escape.

Their eyes were watching god Choose a work we have read so far this semester, and in a cogent, thesis-driven essay, discuss and analyze the theme of individualism, self-definition, self-worth, unconventionality, imprisonment, and/or escape. What idea or message is your author trying to convey? For example, what does Kate Chopin want us to understand through […]

Argue either for or against Reiner’s argument that men are scared to show the full range of emotions and the pressure of conventional tough-guy masculinity is having devastating consequences on American males.

Masculinity Description In the video The Mask You Live in, it is suggested that America’s narrow definition of masculinity is harming boys. Pressured by the media, their peer group, and even the adults in their lives, boys confront messages encouraging them to disconnect from their emotions, devalue authentic friendships, objectify and degrade women, and resolve […]

Summarize three of the essays on Ms. Marvel that are posted on Blackboard. 

For your first writing assignment, you will summarize three of the essays on Ms. Marvel that are posted on Blackboard.  Each summary should be no longer than a paragraph, though for some of you these paragraphs may feel longer than you’re used to (If some teacher told you the number of sentences in a paragraph […]

Pick one of the following topics and write an introductory paragraph: The strategies I use to reach my goals include, Reasons why people lie, The person that I admire is . . .

INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH ASSIGNMENT. NOW YOUR TRY IT Pick one of the following topics and write an introductory paragraph. The strategies I use to reach my goals include … Reasons why people lie… The person that I admire is . . .   Next, Write The Conclusion . . .  See the next  page à What […]

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