Describe the communicable disease, incidence world-wide and in your community, agent characteristics, environmental characteristics, signs and symptoms, treatment, and as a public/community health nurse how would you educate the public about this disease.

The prompt mentions utilizing resources in your community specifically. I live in Chattanooga, Tn or,. alternatively, Atlanta, Ga. Select a communicable disease to write about. Choose something new to you so it is a learning environment. Research the disease from readings located through the Library and from public health websites like the CDC, Healthy People […]

Identify and critically evaluate the relevant policy(s) and strategy(s) that are currently relevant to the chosen issues.

Critically debate three (3) key public health challenges from the areas listed below on a regional and local scale (UK and NI). Identify and critically evaluate the relevant policy(s) and strategy(s) that are currently relevant to the chosen issues. a. Alcohol b. Smoking c. Addiction d. Obesity e. Communicable Disease f. Non-communicable disease g. Health […]

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