What developmental stage should the child be in based on chronological age and is the child in that stage?How does culture affect the diagnosis and treatment plan for this child?

Use the Worksheet for Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation What diagnostic tests/screening tools would you use for the child? Include in your treatment plan specific types of therapy that are used when working with children. Address in your narrative how family structure and dynamics affects the diagnosis and treatment of children. What are the family dynamics for […]

What developmental stage should the patient be in based on chronological age and is the patient in the stage.

Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation for Adolescent 16 year old male with social anxiety Include a work up and/or questions for adolescent-specific disorders. What diagnostic test/screening tools would you use for the adolescent? Include in treatment plan specific types of therapy that are used when working with adolescent. Address in the narrative how family structure and dynamics […]

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