Do hot countries tend to be poor? Do dry countries tend to be poor?Calculate the sample covariance and correlation for the two relationships in question 2 above using Data Analysis Tool Pack or Excel statistical functions.

Locate the data file  on CANVAS. 1. Has the globe been becoming warmer and drier over 1950-2000? Draw evidence on the descriptive statistics of relevant variables in the data-set. 2. Do hot countries tend to be poor? Do dry countries tend to be poor? Use appropriate graphs to interpret the relationship between relevant variables. You […]

Briefly explain three (3) disadvantages of comparative method of valuation.Estimate the market rent of the subject property.

a) Calculate rent per sq. ft for all the comparables as appropriate. b) Give opinion on best comparable and state your reasons. c) Estimate the market rent of the subject property. d) Briefly explain three (3) disadvantages of comparative method of valuation. e) Briefly explain three (3) advantages of comparative method of valuation.

Explain how to design and prepare your poster.Explain how to prepare a poster in Microsoft PowerPoint software.Provide a sample template for preparing your poster.

Scientific posters are a common method for presenting information. Two typical examples of their use are as displays for summarising information on a topic and at scientific conferences for summarising some research carried out. In this guide, we will look at using posters to summarise information on a given topic. On the following pages, we: […]

Identify three ways professionals use statistics in their fields.Go deeper with one, and provide a specific example of how a manger in your field might organize a study and leverage the results to positively influence customer or public perception.

Sampling Applications • Identify three ways professionals use statistics in their fields. • Go deeper with one, and provide a specific example of how a manger in your field might organize a study and leverage the results to positively influence customer or public perception. • Remember to cite your sources.

Explain it to your grandpa! Explain one of the topics in these modules as if you were speaking to someone with no statistical background .

Reflect on the material from modules 6 and 7. You have three options, pick one: Draw/make a cartoon illustrating a concept from these modules. Write a 50–100-word explanation under the comic explaining why you chose that topic or what your comic is showing. Make a Tik-Tok style video showing a concept from these modules. Write […]

ow can investors predict the future value of a company’s stock?How can policy makers investigate the relationship between crime rate and education level?

Daily-life challenges How can you assure if a newborn is growing normally? How can you determine the impact of an additional hour of study in each week on your grade point average? How can you determine the impact of daily exercise on your performance at school? Business challenges How can investors predict the future value […]

Explain what having evidence to support the alternative hypothesis means. What statistically do you use as proof to support the alternative hypothesis?

The prompt question is, “What is the difference between failing to reject the null hypothesis and having evidence to support the alternative hypothesis?” To answer this question be sure to: 1. Define the null hypothesis. 2. Explain what failing to reject the null hypothesis means. 3. Explain what having evidence to support the alternative hypothesis […]

How are you recruiting your participants to ensure that they are volunteers? Do they fall into any groups that need additional protection?

This section should describe a feasible/doable research project. Description of the proposed study design and strategy: research design Sampling design, description of proposed sample/subjects, recruitment plan Plan to protect human subjects given your proposed sample, how would you submit your study to the IRB? How are you recruiting your participants to ensure that they are […]

Describe measurement concepts and statistical terms used in research and program evaluation.Describe the level of measurement appropriate for a variety of statistics.

Use the Unit 9 Assignment Template to document your knowledge about basic research design terms and concepts that counselors often encounter in research and program evaluation work. Material for the chart can be taken from the course text and other resources of your choice. Think of this as a customized tool to which you can […]

Describe in detail how the study was conducted, including conceptual and operational definitions of the variables used in the study.

General Instructions As doctoral students, your assignments are expected to follow the principles of high-quality scientific standards and promote knowledge and understanding in the field of public administration. You should apply a rigorous and critical assessment of a body of theory and empirical research, articulating what is known about the phenomenon and ways to advance […]

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