In this lab you will look at a simulated wave on a string – a transverse wave. set the frequency of the wave and then measure the wavelength and speed. We will use these to try to answer the question: “Does wave speed really equal frequency times wavelength?”.

Physics Lab: Waves on a String Introduction Waves are a familiar part of everyday life. You have probably seen water waves and waves on a string. You hear sound waves and see light waves. Waves have a wavelength, λ, a frequency, f, and a speed, v. These three quantities are related by: v = fλ […]

Conduct your own physical experiment using the scientific method. Research the scientific method and give a 1 page written description of each step.

Conduct your own physical experiment using the scientific method. Research the scientific method and give a 1 page written description of each step. You will then document your process with photos and/or video. Results will also be shared by uploading such media (or the links) of your process to the discussion board in this module. […]

Write a paper on photonic crystals. Include information on periodic electromagnetic media, trapped light in cavities, and wave guides, and Photonic band gaps for holding and controlling light, scattering.

Photonics Crystals Write a paper on photonic crystals. Include information on periodic electromagnetic media, trapped light in cavities, and wave guides, and Photonic band gaps for holding and controlling light, scattering. Include equations if needed.

Does WiFi, cellphone or microwave radiation affect our health? and Why?

Does WiFi, cellphone or microwave radiation affect our health? and Why? In this paper, you are also required to give a clear introduction to Electromagnetic Waves (EM waves), including: Different parts of the EM spectrum What’s in common and what are the differences among different parts of the EM spectrum? What makes them harmful or […]

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems: Derive the governing equations for heat transfer under steady-state conditions (for x and y directions).

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems TASK 1: Application of ODEs in chemical reaction engineering (50%)Reactions in series are commonly occurring in chemical engineering. This task is an open–ended assignment regarding the application of advanced mathematics in analyzing the reaction kinetics in aseries of reactions. To keep the flow of the solution at a consistent level, use the below […]

Current Event Assignment: Summarize in a paragraph the main idea of the article. Provide two pieces of evidence from the text that support the main idea.

Writing Literacy Plan: Current Event AssignmentMrs. Murphy–Bozkurt/Western High School1. Read the current event article given.2. After reading it, address in a separate sheet of paper each of the following.A. Main Idea (125 words minimum)– Summarize in a paragraph the main idea of the article.– Provide two pieces of evidence from the text that support the […]

Calculate the tail rotor thrust required to trim the helicopter in hover.Assume that due to a failure in the flight control system there is an impulsive excess of tail rotor thrust. What happens to the helicopter? Discuss whether the worst-case scenario is during hover or level flight.

A calculator may be used. Show intermediate steps in calculation. For all questions, show the detailed steps of your calculations and derivations, and state the assumptions made for the equations you are using Continued overleaf Page 2 of 3. Q1 A helicopter has a main rotor speed of 260 rpm, and a main rotor radius […]

Submit a research report outlining the kinematics involved in motion detectors designed and built into vehicles on the road today.

Report on liar guns Using the Internet. submit a research report outlining the kinematics involved in motion detectors designed and built into vehicles on the road today. Be sure to provide details on how the technology works. Describe what effect this technology has on society and the environment

Describe what effect this technology has on society and the environment.

Using the Internet, submit a research report outlining the kinematics involved in motion detectors designed and built into vehicles on the road today. Be sure to provide details on how the technology works. Describe what effect this technology has on society and the environment (for example: photo radar helps prevent vehicular accidents and reduces fuel […]

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