Describe an imaginary scenario where you are working with a child with a communication delay.Describe the child, their capabilities, and learning needs.

Using strategies explored in this module as well as the rest of the course, you will find or invent a language tool to support a child with a communication delay. Describe an imaginary scenario where you are working with a child with a communication delay. Describe the child, their capabilities, and learning needs. Describe a […]

The No Name Woman by Maxine Hong Kingston:What is really Chinese?and what is really just stuff from the movies?

The No Name Woman by Maxine Hong Kingston Maxine Hong Kingston’s Woman Warrior is the only piece of autobiographical “nonfiction” that we are reading in this course. Read chapter one: The No Name Woman. This chapter includes many of the important themes throughout the novel such as the place of women in traditional Chinese culture, […]

Compare the character of Bartleby with Hugh Wolfe from “Life in the Iron Mills.

Compare the character of Bartleby with Hugh Wolfe from “Life in the Iron Mills.” Consider any or all of the following points of comparison: What their goals are, what they are “rebelling” against and how, the importance of their relationships with other people, and/or why they make the choices they do. Include well-chosen quotes that […]

How does Dante understand the societal effects of sin?

Dante’s views on sin, as expressed in his Com-media, were profoundly influenced by his experiences in life and the state of Europe, and Italy especially, during his day. Sin is obviously a personal choice, but it has social ramifications. How does Dante understand the societal effects of sin? Focus your analysis on specific examples drawn […]

Discuss similarities between the people you choose and the characters in the film.

Several characters in To Kill A Mockingbird are agents of change. Identify and explore three people in the history of the South who have taken stands on principles that have led to social change in spite of great odds and great difficulties. Include biographical information and a brief description of their principled stand; include the […]

What were some of the themes and issues? Was one of the themes particularly meaningful to you?

Slam Poem about the book trash Technically, slam poetry is meant to be performed in a competitive environment, whereas “spoken word” refers to poetry meant to be performed aloud, including in noncompetitive environments like open mics. Therefore, all kinds of poems, from haiku to sonnets, can be considered slam or spoken word poems. For the […]

Discuss how Poe was brilliant as a writer for using multiple literary devices such as irony and symbols.

Discuss how Poe was brilliant as a writer for using multiple literary devices such as irony, symbols. etc. Good topic, but you, most likely, want to concentrate on how Irony is used and it makes the story funny even though he is writing a revenge story/horror story. That is what is so brilliant about this […]

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